Friday, August 7, 2015

Are you being slowly poisoned by toxic mold?

There seems to be more things in this world that can harm us than can help us, and with the latest scientific research always discovering new things in our world that we were previously completely unaware of, you would be forgiven thinking that if you took one step out of your front door you’d be walking into danger! The trouble is that many people start to fearmonger, and make people panic about things like lightning strikes and shark attacks, when in reality the likelihood of someone actually suffering through an incident like that is ridiculously small – and that detracts attention away from the things that really genuinely could harm you, and could actually be harming you and your family right now.

If you were asked to name the most dangerous thing in your home right now, there are quite a few different answers that you could give. You might talk about the knives, blender, or even something like the oven that can get very hot. Others may think about the machinery and tools that they have in their garage, along with the potentially toxic chemicals that they still have lying around after a DIY project. Others may worry about bathrooms, and all of those medicines lying around in a bathroom cabinet, or the razor that you left in the way for little hands to grab. But actually, the most dangerous thing in your home that probably exists right now is not something that you can probably see – unless you start taking walls down, or going up into your loft, or following that weird smell of mold that you noticed the other day: and that is because homes up and down the country are starting to become infected with toxic mold.

There are many different kinds of mold around the world, and many of them can be found only mere steps from your front door. That is because mold does not really need a lot of encouragement or help to grow; all it really needs is a little bit of warmth, and a little bit of moisture. Everything else is just an extra, which means mold can survive in some of the harshest and most barren conditions. On the other hand, that means that our homes look like the perfect nesting place for mold. Some molds are really obvious – such as black mold, or the mold that periodically appears in your bathroom. It is relatively simple to deal with it, and it’s gone. The trouble comes when mold is ingrained so deeply into your home that you are no longer aware of it, and that means that it could be growing exponentially without any checks. That is seriously bad news for us, because unlike many natural organisms that we share our homes with, there are many different species of mold that actually release toxins as natural by product.

Toxic does not sound that bad, but in fact these toxins can cause some rather serious health consequences – especially for young children and babies, the elderly, and those who are already unwell. The variety of symptoms that people experience often means that many people do not realise what the cause is because they cannot work out what the root cause is. Some people will experience shortness of breath, and dizzy spells. Others will have running eyes and noses, or a sore throat. Some will actually find it impossible to stop sneezing – and others will have to struggle against all of these different symptoms combined.

These toxins can build up over time, which means that the longer you wait to have toxic mold removed from your home, the more intense and the more dangerous these health effects are going to become. Some scientists and health officials believe that those who live within an area full of toxic mold for not months but years can actually be diagnosed with very serious life threatening illnesses, all due to living so close to toxic mold. These diseases include kidney disorders, swelling in the brain and liver, liver cancer, and abnormally low platelet counts. These are not simple things to diagnose and to treat, and that is why living with toxic mold is so critically dangerous.

Some experts believe that as high as 40% of American schools, and one in four homes already have infestations of toxic mold. Toxic mold can sometimes be a very difficult thing to rid from your home, because it can burrow very deeply into the very fabric of your building. That means that many professionals who spend their lives removing mold from properties will not be able to ensure that every single last bit of toxic mold has been removed – and there only needs to be one tiny bit of toxic mold left for it to start growing again.

If you believe that there is a chance that you or those that you love are living around toxic mold, the time to act is now, not months down the line. Many people who discover that toxic mold has set up shop in their property realize that what they had always assumed was asthma was actually just the symptoms of breathing in toxic mold for so long. Your quality of life could be drastically improved if you bring in a professional to remove the toxic mold from your home, and you will kick yourself for not acting on your hunch years ago. 

#toxicmold #moldremediation

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